Current market conditions are leading colleges to be more aggressive in discounting tuition to compete for students who believe that there are only small differences in majors among colleges. Stevens Strategy Senior Consultant Michael Townsley’s blog discusses these market condition and
Read Stevens Strategy Senior Consultant Michael Townsley’s take on the numbers behind the troubling demographic and financial challenges facing small, independent institutions.
While demographic, technological and industry changes have been pressuring schools for a decade now, the pandemic has forced many schools into weakened financial positions, especially as it relates to cash available to support operations. This paper examines what colleges and universities need
By Mike Townsley & Bob DeColfmacker, Senior Consultants Stevens Strategy, LLC Last year was the 50th anniversary of the Woodstock Music Festival and an appropriate time to reference Bob Dylan’s 1964 hit “The Times They Are a Changing.” The song was an anthem to the tumultuous 1960’s, and
Applicant Success Assessment (ASA) Dramatic Retention Results after Two Years! Contact Bell Cooper to learn how ASA improves quality and raises revenues 217-725-1808 | [email protected] What is the Applicant Success Assessment? The ASA tests students’ readiness for college. Our