[Stevens Strategy] developed a state-of–the-art comprehensive Institution-wide Policy Manual for Bob Jones University. The policy manual volumes developed included governance and administration, campus community, general institutional employment, faculty personnel, staff and administrative
Prior to joining Stevens Strategy, Tom Emmet assisted in the update of the university policy manual. The University of San Diego General Counsel’s Office took the lead role in facilitating the policy update process while [Tom’s team] provided input to the general counsel and helped
Stevens Strategy developed state-of–the-art policy manuals for Pacific Oaks College and Children’s School at a time of major transition for the institution. The policy manual volumes developed included governance and administration, campus community, general institutional employment, faculty
Prior to joining Stevens Strategy, Tom Emmet developed state-of-the-art policy manuals for all segments of Medaille College, including Board Bylaws, Faculty Handbook, Personnel Handbook and General Policies and Procedures. Medaille wished to complete the Faculty Handbook portion of the manuals
Stevens Strategy developed a state-of–the-art comprehensive Institution-wide Policy Manual for Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research. The policy manual volumes developed included governance and administration, campus community, general institutional employment, faculty
Stevens Strategy developed a state-of–the-art comprehensive Institution-wide Policy Manual for Dominican College. The policy manual volumes developed included governance and administration, campus community, general institutional employment, faculty personnel, staff and administrative
Stevens Strategy provided the design and facilitation of a 5-phased strategic planning process resulting in a new strategic agenda, entitled Defining the Contemporary Cabrinian Education Through Excellence, Social Justice and Transformational Learning, and operational plan for Cabrini College.
Stevens Strategy studied institutional data and provided a report on salary patterns, tenure and promotion decisions as well as recommendations regarding salary inequities. We also provided a comparison of Georgian Court salaries by rank to quartiles of 18 institutions in the college’s peer
[Stevens Strategy] facilitated the work of a Task Force charged with developing recommendations to clarify and define shared governance at Immaculata University. Visit Immaculata University [Stevens Strategy] designed and facilitated the process that Immaculata University used to determine
Stevens Strategy provided the design and facilitation of a 5-phased strategic planning process resulting in a new strategic agenda, entitled Defining the Contemporary Cabrinian Education Through Excellence, Social Justice and Transformational Learning, and operational plan for Cabrini College.