Recruiting, admitting and retaining the right students are essential to the quality and financial success of all colleges, universities and schools. Stevens Strategy’s Applicant Success Assessment service provides the critical information needed to determine which applicants are likely to succeed at your specific institution. Our Applicant Success Assessment service is based on psychological science and is designed to measure non-cognitive factors (i.e. personal qualities and character) that are related to school and career success. This assessment tool goes beyond what traditional cognitive ability tests (e.g., SAT, ACT) can tell us to identify students who are likely to achieve in higher education. Moreover, unlike traditional cognitive ability tests, scores on our tool are not adversely impacted by sex, race, or ethnicity.
Stevens Strategy’s Applicant Success Assessment service can be used to (a) select high achieving students that other tests miss, (b) identify students who may struggle with secondary education, but may otherwise be successful in life (high risk / high potential students), (c) develop programs and interventions for these high risk / high potential students, and (d) fit students with colleges and universities where they are more likely to thrive. Conservatively, Stevens Strategy’s Applicant Success Assessment service can generate additional income of $3,000,000 per entering class over 4 years for a typical private college or university that wishes to increase its total enrollment, about a 50:1 return on investment.