What is a Financial Crisis Essentially, all financial crises are cash based. Simply put, if there is no cash, there is no college. In most cases, the crisis is cumulative, and the cause or causes have depleted cash over several years until a point is reached where there is insufficient cash for
Preface Strategic planners need to pay attention to corporate and legal documents that can delimit decisions needed to support strategic change. Corporate documents refer to the charter, by-laws, and mission statement of the college, while legal documents may comprise both explicit and implied
Michael K. Townsley, Ph.D., Senior Associate Stevens Strategy Prefatory Remarks Notices of private colleges closing or merging have become regular items in the press. However, this sudden spate of bad news may not be entirely due to new problems or to the effects of COVID. Rather, long-term
Executive Summary Efficiency in higher education is an amusing topic that is best left to economists. Everyone including the inhabitants of a college or university knows that the institution in inherently inefficient due to poorly designed operational policies, procedures, decision rubrics,