
Higher Education

Controversial Speakers and the Challenges Faced by College Presidents

In 2017, conservative scholar Charles Murray was met with protests during his lecture in Middlebury College. However, much of the controversy did not stem from his political beliefs but from his 1994 book The Bell Curve in which he argued that racial group intelligence is variable. Later in the

Predicting Student Retention and GPA from Student Personality

Fall-to-Fall 2016-2017 Student success is critical to the mission of every higher educational institution. All other things being equal, students who are the most intellectually and psychologically prepared for higher education will be the most successful. While most universities assess the

Succession Planning

Research over the last few years suggests that higher education now faces an unprecedented period of accelerating change. Challenges such as tight budgets and scarce resources, changing demographics of potential students, and calls for technology-driven innovation increase the pressure on the

Despite Misrepresentations: Average Price Paid for College Significantly Lower than Inflation from 1994 to 2014

I have become increasingly concerned that economists, politicians and journalists misrepresent the price students pay for higher education in the United States, by consistently overstating the real price of higher education relative to inflation. To my surprise, even though the CPI is based

What Is A Good Strategy To Take To Help Resurrect A Failing College?

You’ve most likely heard the news that Sweet Briar College in Virginia, decided to close its doors last month. The current state of Sweet Briar’s existence, at the moment, is “up in the air”. The leaders of Sweet Briar College are finding it difficult to put some order