Chronos UniversityTM is a revolutionary design of the residential university of the future. Its unique approach will integrate technology-based instruction, small group projects and daily face-to-face interaction with learning coaches to promote student learning success. Chronos UniversityTM will revolutionize the delivery of high-quality liberal arts and pre-professional residential undergraduate education by:
- Reinventing the role of faculty;
- Boosting dramatically student learning outcomes through constant assessment;
- Building careers through project-based internships with industry partners;
- Providing accredited bachelor’s degrees in as little as two and one-half years;
- Reducing total cost per student to 45% of the average private college; and
- Reducing the full-time book price to 65% of the average private college.
Stevens Strategy and Chronos UniversityTM are prepared to work with your institution to demonstrate this innovative concept to your campus community for possible wider application later.
For more information on Chronos University, please view our PowerPoint by clicking here.