Every college president faces the same challenge of figuring out what to do with the limited resources they have available. Scarce resources are usually defined in terms of money. In 1974, James G. March and Michael Cohen proposed that in higher education, scarce resources should also include
We have developed our market research service to help clients better understand the nature of today’s higher education marketplace. Recent surveys have explored a wide variety of topics, from basic preferences for college size, location, and academic major to complex issues such as openness to
This blog is different from other blogs that Stevens Strategy has published. We want to spark a discussion about the future of colleges. The main issues of this discussion are: Are private, liberal arts colleges going through a paradigm shift? If colleges are going through a paradigm shift,
When coaching is really good, it is difficult to discern who is coaching whom, since the communication goes two ways. I have been on the giving and receiving end of coaching since I was a kid. I learned to ask questions as part of listening, and my teachers built their guidance around my
On May 4th, Richard DeMillo’s article, So You’ve Got Technology; So What? in the Digital Campus published by Chronicle of Higher Education boldly claimed that new technology is ready to blast apart the traditional pricing model of higher education. In the same publication, another article, One