Develop Effective Institutional Policy with [Stevens Strategy]
Manage your institution based on best practice policies that are fully documented and widely understood.
Our Policy Manual service consists of the organization and preparation of a systematized and comprehensive policy manual suitable for searchable use on an institution’s Intranet. This allows all members of the campus community to have access to a consistent, “living” policy manual in which there is only one policy on each addressed topic. An institution-wide policy manual gives an institution a greater ability to mitigate risk, enhance stakeholder relationships and otherwise allow for smooth administrative operations.
Each policy manual we create is individually tailored to meet the needs of our higher education clients. We typically work with our clients to organize policies into discrete Volumes, such as those described below:
- Volume I: Governance and Administration Policies
- Volume II: Campus Community Policies
- Volume III: Institutional Employment Policies
- Volume IV: Faculty Personnel Policies
- Volume V: Academic Policies
- Volume VI: Student Life Policies
- Volume VII: Business and Financial Affairs Policies
Click here to view a printable PDF of our Institution-Wide Policy Manual Development Services
Stevens Strategy is not a law firm, is not a substitute for an attorney or law firm, and its professional personnel cannot provide legal advice.
“Bob Jones University…wanted help with ensuring that we meet federal and state mandates and SACSCOC requirements. Stevens Strategy did a great job. We found Stephen Lazarus a great resource for whatever questions we asked. He was particularly helpful in our review and update of our by-laws and board manual. As vendors go, and I have had a lot of experience with IT vendors, Stevens Strategy is impressive. They already know us well as an institution and have shown themselves to be very knowledgeable in any area of higher ed where they do consulting.”
“Our expectation was to move from numerous siloed manuals, from countless loose policy memos, from out-of-date difficult to locate documents—to one living policy manual for the College community. I believe we have what we were looking for. The ease of contact and quick response from [Stevens Strategy] on all issues great and small; this kept the process in motion. Stephen and Elise were attentive to every detail. The key to this project lies in the knowledge and professionalism of the [Stevens Strategy] project director, Stephen Lazarus. He was superb—patient, helpful and relentless in pursuit of the proper end.”
“We expected a baseline offering on which we could build our specific policy requirements as well as research into both U.S. best practice and current UAE practice around policies for equivalent higher educational institutions. [Stevens Strategy] provided excellent baseline material upon which we were able to build and develop our institutional policy volumes. John and Stephen were very responsive and went out of their way to be helpful and adjust to our often-shifting timeline. In the main, the policy verbiage drafts were helpful, both in terms of what we adopted as well as those which we ultimately rejected – even those were very useful in promoting dialogue among the policy writing committees. [[Stevens Strategy] exhibited] expertise in academic/student and governance policies…excellent attention to customer service and the ability to listen to the client to determine what is really at hand or needed.”
“We just finished our Middle States Team visit. I am compelled to write to you because the [policy] manuals were front and center. These Manuals provided such a clear and accurate picture of institutional practice that it was evident to the visitors that we were serious about transparency and integrity. I cannot thank [Stephen] enough for [his] guidance with the project. It was a great honor for me to be a part of that process. I consider getting you to work with us on the Faculty Handbook to be one of my best suggestions to the President. What followed will outlive me at the institution as a remarkable accomplishment but also a way of documentation which will sustain the institution in the years to come…You helped us to another level of performance and sophistication as an institution of faith and caring.”